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Support Delusional Dogs

This is a page for people who are just looking to help out however they can.

I have learnt early on in life that some people just like helping out, and I always am very thankful for any and all help.

Overflow Carers

This is the biggest thing I am always looking for!
I am often overbooked, or have a dog who needs to be alone in a house full of dogs. So I am looking for kind caring people who can take dogs into their house, for a week or a few days. I will have to check you out and there is a lot more to it, but do contact me!
Click on the Image below to apply.


Wishlist - Amazon

Attached to the image is a public Amazon Wish list, of items that I want, need or fancy. Some are very dog related some are just for me.
If you are willing them please shoot some over!



Thank you for considering this option and again all donations are greatly appreciated!
Paypal is attached to the image so you can just send any amount, Thank you!
This is Sunny, Mickey and me, it took a lot of attempts to get all 3 to look the same way, shame no smile :)

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