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The Hound Hotel

For dogs who need a home from home welcome to my house!

This is less of a hotel and more like a trip to their grandparents,

with no kennels, no cages but there is plenty of space on the couch and often in a bed.

This boutique experience is for dogs that need the loving support of their owners,

even when you are not around to give to them. 
Your dog will become my dog, and will be treated with the love that I give all my sweeties.

They will come to live with me in my large and comfortable home and will have free run of the place (training permitting).

The really special doggies whom I love the most may even end up snuggling in with me at night.

Please rest assured that with a little reminder when they get home all dogs will quickly learn that your bed/sofa is off limits again - if it is.

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